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This is my blog

Sunday, October 18, 2009


Locked memories.
Sorry for everything.
Truly regretted it.
Anyway all these post.
It will be just for you and me.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Blog changed to Nanxtoh.tumblr.com.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009



Monday, September 28, 2009


Using cello to play music. Nice.
Apocalyptica and Kanon Wakeshima.

Okay now for myself. Prelim consider over cause left only Dnt which is tested tomorrow. Waiting for results. Hopefully it will be good huh. Life is boring. It changes as soon as I did something wrong. It sucks. >_<

Nevertheless, life goes on. I try to be as cheerful as possible during times. Hahaha... Ever wonder why I am #4? Wanted to pen it down here. So I will not forget it, I could take my time to share as well. Want to kill some time as well. Remember last time wanna ball to slim down as I was really fucking fat. Kinda funny if you think of it, who will believe that those person in those few cards are really me huh. Changed too much already. =p

So it happen on one faithful day when coach and all the other players except for me is present for training that day. I was having some extra lesson after school. I also didn't know that it's the selection for the competition. So basically, coach were choosing and I am not present. From what I heard, Dannish reminded coach that Jackson is inside bball team since before. So well that is, I am chosen into the 15 man team. Funny that I am being forgotten, but well, who cares. Lol! All is fine and that is all it matters. The number 4 came about because I am small size, therefore smaller number. And all the other numbers were chosen by the others as I was selected the last one. Hahaha. Left with 4 so yea. Cool man. Since then, I am struck with the number 4. =]

Alright, getting a bit long-winded here. Wondering who will read it. Haiz... Wad the fuck. "It already the 3rd time, lost faith in you, sorry dunno what else to say, happened so many times" Wow! Revolving around me everyday since then. Nevermind. Sorry can't cure anything. Haiz. Pen down my thoughts to myself can be good as well. And finally the next update will be after I get back all my results. Cheers. =D

I don't care <--- click ( Song )

Saturday, September 26, 2009


Hahaha... Happy now so shall blog again. I will still continue this blog because of you. Hope this blog will never close down. But it is hard to say huh. Dare to post dare to let people see. I still not yet give up. =)

So after reading some boring blogs. Found out that Hurairah is going to prove everyone wrong as well! With his N-level result. I wonder how it will turn out. Lol. Honestly I got no confident in him. Hahaha... Is proving people what we really can do so important and significant? I wonder. XD

And me, I gonna prove all my teachers and all my friends wrong with my prelim 2 results. Hahaha... Stay tune for the results. I don't think
people will have confident in me anymore. Yeah. It just that hard to trust me huh. But still studying for your sake. Hahaha! I think it not very important to prove it. But well, being look down for four years. Goddammit. ==''

Sunday had no tuition. Woo! Canceled both myself, going to some funny event in community centre with my best longest bros still living in earth. Through they have tons of negative stuff in themselves, I am gonna endure it and play with it and have fun. =D

Didn't sleep well for the past few night. It was bad. Time now is 300 and I still can't sleep. Seriously gonna knock out myself by punching myself. Lol! Joking. I really wonder why I behave this way. It's me afterall, I guess. Cheering myself up by lying to myself everyday. Anyway faith is something that I could earn back huh. "Confidence wins half the battle." The other half depends on my skills. So yup cool. Monday gonna ball after school. Yeah! Until next time. =]

Say me arrogant, like girl, action or what. I don't really care. If your goddamnmotherbirth mouth cannot tahan want say, say in front of my face. Hahaha... Fun to watch people reaction. ^^

And finally good luck for those taking Eoy examination. Hope you guys will prove whoever you guys want to prove wrong. Haha. =Q


Edit* Time now is 320 can't sleep fuck. Clearing some stuff and found this.

What has tooth got to do with hand? ==''

Sleeping now. =D

Friday, September 25, 2009


Tears don't fall by Bullet For My Valentine

Lets go!

With blood shot eyes I watch you sleeping
The warmth I feel beside me is slowly fading
Would she hear me if I calls her name?
Would she hold me if she knew my shame?

There's always something different going wrong
The path I walk's in the wrong direction
There's always someone fucking hanging on
Can anybody help me make things better?

Your tears don't fall
They crash around me
Her conscience calls the guilty to come home
Your tears don't fall
They crash around me
Her conscience calls the guilty to come home

The moments died, I hear no screaming
The visions left inside me are slowly fading
Would she hear me if I calls her name?
Would she hold me if she knew my shame?

There's always something different going wrong
The path I walk's in the wrong direction
There's always someone fucking hanging on
Can anybody help me make things better?

Your tears don't fall
They crash around me
Her conscience calls the guilty to come home
Your tears don't fall
They crash around me
Her conscience calls the guilty to come home

Oh! Yeah!

This battered room I've seen before
The broken bones they heal no more, no more
With my last breath I'm choking
Will this ever end I'm hoping
My world is over one more time

Lets go

Would she hear me if i called her name?
Would she hold me, if she knew my shame?

There's always something to be going wrong
The path I walk's in the wrong direction
There's always someone fucking hanging on
Can anybody help me make things better?

Your tears don't fall
They crash around me
Her conscience calls the guilty to come home
Your tears don't fall [tears don't fall]
They crash around me
Her conscience calls the guilty to come

Your tears don't fall they crash around me
Her conscience calls the guilty to come home.

Thursday, September 24, 2009


The world should lie to themselves so they will think positively.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Bballing bballing and bballing...

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


The pain outside cannot be felt. Wow. Rain is falling but no one knows. =]


Noises produced by electric guitar and piano can calm me. =]

Sunday, September 20, 2009


Metal songs are the best for numbing people down. =]

Saturday, September 19, 2009


Woo! Played whole day. Fun! =]

Friday, September 18, 2009


Woo! Life is so interesting and exciting and fun and loving. Cool man. =]

Thursday, September 17, 2009


Being honest is no good.
Saying lies is just not my style.
Life is stupid and worthless.
Just want to live through it and die.


Upstairs is something I wrote when I am crazy.
Dun mind dun mind.
Am a cheerful boy dun forget. =D




Doesn't know what to post. So I extracted some sentences about drawings in a model composition. It is quite true and interesting. =D

"Drawings and paintings are the most commonly used tool for an artist to express himself. Often, we can tell from the colour and strokes of a picture the mood that the writer is trying to convey. It is not just professionals who use drawings to convey their feelings but children too. From simple drawings of families, scenery or even animals, professional psychologists and even parents and teachers can tell if a child is beset with problems. This is especially helpful if the child is either too shy or too young to speak."

Here goes my own thinking of drawings.

"A great way of killing time. Love to draw regardless it is a living or non-living things. Enjoyed drawings very much. Every drawing have its purposes. Different purpose have different ways and method of drawing. But for every piece of art, I don't find it to be perfect. I always thought that it can be further improve. However nothing is perfect in this world. It is cruel but this is the world. Even through not much can be done, I will try my best to seek the best out of everything and anything. Hopefully."

Sounds deep goddammit. Nevermind. Random. Tomorrow English prelim, hope it will be okay. =D

Ends here. =D

Gonna keep smiling regardless of any problems occurring. =D

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


After reading some model English composition, I decided to take a five minutes break. And here I am blogging. Few things to talk about, could like to mention it even through it will not be in detail. =]

First of all, I want to thanks Alicia for encouraging me to study for my O-levels. Thanks for waking me when I need someone to. You too, must work hard okay. Don't disappoint me. =]

Secondary, a sorry for you. I know I shouldn't make you moodless by mentioning certain things. Guess that I might have reminded you of the past. So ermmm, sorry! Won't happen again. =]

Thirdly, a thanks for Janice too. Reason is said through my heart so no words here. =]

Fourthly, thanks Ern for keep saying I will fail my English. Even through not effective at all, but point taken. =]

Fifthly, thanks for unknown person that care and ask for me. Weird goddammit. Even through you never say anything to me for a long time. Appreciate that. =]

Finally to all that is viewing. Best of luck and work harder for EOY exam, Ns and finally Os ya. =]



Monday, September 14, 2009


The past few days are real boring. Nothing special happen. I am losing the morale to study. However I must overcome it and become mentally stronger. I am weak in both physical and mentally. This is definitely something where I can train and improve in.

Prelim 2 starts from this Wednesday. Tomorrow not going school. Not going training. Feel that my body want to get good grades, but my mental keep give itself up. This is stupid man.

Wondering how greedy and selfish human really can get. Got to stay side to watch. This is kinda fun. Watching human react to stuff and all. I sometimes want to throw away my mind reading skills. Only then, I can surprise myself more. Resulting in even more fun.

Sunday, September 13, 2009


Morning done maths paper one. Lucky I am still able to do maths. Phew. Had thought that my maths will become rust after too long never touch. But i need to improve on the timing I guess.

Afternoon went to watch coach match with Dan, Gene, Leon, Ern. Venue at Singapore Basketball Centre. Didn't talk much, but was fun to watch. Leon went home, Dan and Gene went to play bball.

Night went to meet with Alicia, Janice with Ern. Ate at Red Pot at Bugis. Walked around. Taken some photos. Had fun. After took bus back. On the way back, brought ice cream at Ice Cream Chief for them. Sent them back home. Heard words that strike me. Fourteen back then, thought of stuff.

For you know who arh. Stop thinking of that bitch le lah. What the fuck. Not worth your time to even think of her. Why getting all no mood for this kind of shit people. Save your no mood count for other stuff lah. =]

Found out that I fucking Hum Ji. I gonna stand up for myself. Dunwan to get bully anymore. Not only just that, I want to protect people. No way i gonna watch others suffer. But I had to think of the consequence of whatever actions I may take.

First action to take. To start study for O-level. Times flew and I am left with 38 more days before my science practical begin.

Second and onwards is all secrets.




[= This crazy little fifteen young old boy. =]
[= Wanting to change himself all day long. =]
[= But always failed to do so. =]
[= Because no one really understand him. =]
[= He can't take advise from anyone. =]
[= He can't trust no one except for himself. =]
[= Anyone think they understand him. =]
[= They are all deep wrong. =]
[= Go ahead and read his mind. =]
[= Am sure you gonna read them all wrong. =]
[= Go ahead and finds him weird. =]
[= This guy has a weird mind. =]
[= He chose to take in words. =]
[= And to accept it within himself. =]
[= Denied to say it all out. =]
[= Didn't reject all negative things in life. =]
[= Always seeking for improvement. =]
[= He never finds anything that is perfect. =]
[= He kindly accept all of it. =]
[= So what if he knows stuffs. =]
[= He can't do a shit to it. =]
[= Knowing and forgetting is all he can do. =]
[= This guy behave how he wanted to. =]
[= Regardless friends or foe. =]
[= Regardless good or bad. =]
[= Regardless evil or kind. =]
[= Regardless positive or negative. =]
[= Regardless truth or false. =]
[= Regardless angry or depress. =]
[= Regardless cheerful or emo. =]
[= Regardless happy or sad. =]
[= No matter how pitiful he is. =]
[= He try to remain cheerful. =]
[= All he ever wanted is something no one knows. =]
[= No one understand him at all. =]
[= He is a crazy little fifteen young old boy. =]



Friday, September 11, 2009


Today reach school at 8. Skip English lesson as I heard it was boring. Stayed at canteen all the way till 11. Two people ignored me (should know who bah). Shall not talk more. =D

From 11, went to Dnt for E-maths lesson. All the way till 530. It was tough, without breakfast and lunch. Ate some food Mr.Tan brought and finally, I am being release. Done whole day of maths. Headache. ==''

So after release, went to find my friends (should know who bah), Ate KFC zinger. Then with Ern and Eugene, drank Starbucks Green Tea Latte, went to Parkway, witness Eugene cut hair, drank Honeydew Strawberry Milk Tea without Pearl. =p

Thinking of the past and present. =z

Brother went to Ns. =/



Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Today morning woke up late. Went to Chemistry class.

Afternoon played bball match. Lost the match.

Evening went to Tamp, went back early through.

Can't stand how human behave.

Night slack in house.

Tomorrow math lesson from morning till evening.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Today, wake up early in the morning at around nine. I went to Bedok interchange to read The New Paper cause Janice Sok Ansopanha was late. There were interesting news in it. Two boys (our age) jumped down nine floor down from a building last year. As they wanted to become Slayer of Demons in War World III. It may sounds funny but it is terrifying to imagine that you are one of them and to see two of your friend died in action.

So when she came, I notice the clothing differences. Anything she wear is black, I will be in white. And if she is in white, I will be in black. I went to meet her in central and went back to the library. Janice behave very noisy in the library as her handphone was not turned to silent. And it could not stop ringing. It was of course annoying, especially in the library. She keep disturbing me too, with her mouth and fingers but then I still managed to finish her poa homework.

After staying in the library until afternoon, we were sick of it. There, we make our way to Bugis and had Donuts for lunch. It was very sweet as it has too much cream on it. Both of us study, slack and chat all the way until five plus. In the end, we left two untouched donuts there as we were too full to take in anymore. We talked lots of stuff and had lots of fun. Something happened here. Only some people know about this so pass!

Walked around Bugis after that, learned lots of stuff. Walked to most top floor to see the poster on movies And realise that it been a long time ever since I watch a movie. After that we went to some random shops. Talked about random stuff. Learn about even more random stuff. All this will help me in the future. Therefore, I will noted it down into my brain and remember it. After that, we decided to take train back then a bus.

Finally, it was time to send her home. But she ended up "crying" in the train. Only she can understand this part. I talked to her about it and after a while, she cool down by a lot. In fact she stop crying, completely. Reached Bedok and process to bus 38. Another thing happen here, which only some know. It was awkward when there is two pairs of eyes staring. Anyway, drop off and sent her back home. Janice was so clever that she ended up had to walk the more tiring route back to her house. But all well ends well.

I continued back to the bus stop, where I saw Dan when he was going back home followed by Guanan Danah Heni & ShengYong. It was unfortunate that I saw them as I didn't plan to meet with them at all. Anyway called Dan Eugene & Ern down to have dinner. They probably thought we done that on purpose, but it was not. The fact is that Singapore is just too small to hold a few million people population.

We went to eat dinner at a coffee shop at blk sixteen. Dan Ern Eugene & me were together eating. While Danah Guanan ShengYong & Heni were on the other table eating. We were basically different group as there were too much people, we talk about different subjects and obviously we ate different food. It was a imbalance group to go out with. But I met them by coincidence so no much choice is given.

Later, went to bubbletea shop. I had a very short conversation with ShengYong. I hope I didn't scare him off. As I found out from Dan that I was actually putting a strong image on myself which is kinda scary. Then walked back with them. After a while, finally reach home. Today was fun. A day well spent. It could have be better if someone else came along. You know who. Hahaha. Cheers for today!

From there onward, my mother and brother do a check on me. Which I find it okay? I have no girlfriend or girlfriends lah. Chill and relax man. I am a honest boy who don't lie to people. And Ern I try and write this in proper way. And hopefully I will pass my exam. =D

Monday, September 7, 2009


Am here to update my blog again. As promise lah girl. =D

So morning wake up start rush homework. Then tuition for chemistry till afternoon. =[
Another tuition principle of account till evening.

My grandmother came and we went for dinner at Bedok. =]
Then sent her home with my bro and went home.

Reach home use computer. =D
Facebook-ed whole night. It was fun. Arhahaha.

Lost Jack's stuff nevermind. Just remember who gave it to you is enough. =p
Fuck it man. One sided is not gonna work out. Lol.



Saturday, September 5, 2009


Okay. This is gonna be boring. Sharing you my boring life.

Monday to Friday (normally)
School 60% <---- Study + Sleeping + Slacking + Balling.
Home 40% <---- Computer + Homework + Etc.

Out 50% <---- Balling + Dinner.
Home 50% <---- Computer + Dinner.

Out 20% <---- Dinner.
Home 100% <---- Tuition + Computer.

Boring life I had. But sure is fun as there are people around me. =D

[= =] [= =] [= =] [= =] [= =] [= =] [= =] [= =] [= =] [= =] [= =] [= =] [= =]

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Hmm... Here to blog again.
Well from morning got flu.
Sick like hell but lessons was easy.
Afternoon went back home early.
Blast my speaker and played o2jam.
Night went out have dinner.
See a doctor and get a MC.
Tomorrow gonna go school through.
Dunwan miss a single day ya.


Mixed emotion for the day as well... Hard to describe...
Nothing much happen today. No fun at all too...
What if this is the real me...
The emotionless and no fun guy...
Hahaha. Sick guy burned his brain too much...
Never study for O's went to draw instead...
Have to buck up...


.Ice and Fire.
.Jelly and Mercury.
.Earth and Electric.
.Rock and Classic.
.Robot and Human.
.Boy and Girl.
.Man and Woman.
.Children and Adult.
...Two different world...


Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Here I am to update my blog... Let's see wad I can talk about. Hmm today slept till 230pm then wake up. If my brother didn't wake me, I might still sleep all the way to late afternoon. =x

Didn't went back to Bedok Green Primary School ytd after celebration. Kinda regretted, wondering how my past friend has been doing. ==''

From afternoon onward, chat in msn with Alicia and Ern. Then O2jam alone as it is single player game. Finished my Geography mock test. =P

Went out to eat with my mom and brother. Then continue chat in msn. Check horoscope as well, funny some accurate some not. =D

Tomorrow there will be school again. And teacher day is over just like that. =]


Today is teacher's day celebration. It was fun! Even through it is 2+am now. I must blog about it. Performed in stage. Most comment was "cool!" Thanks coach and everyone. XD

Boom boom pow... Lol! Will never forget it. So after the show... Went to ball a while then find Alicia and Janice with Zack and Ern at Mac, but ate pastamania. Then finally send the two girls to near Esso. Where they walked home. Have lots of fun. Even through super damnating very tired. Then went to ball in MPCC. =]

Played bball all the way till 8pm night. Then went dinner at Parkway parade and followed by East Coast Park. Went home after. Out from house from 6am to 2am. A total of 20 hours. =x

Feels lot better after telling you the incident thingy. Weird. =p



Sunday, August 30, 2009


Morning wake up. Tuition 1 to 3. The other tutor fell down on the way to my house. So canceled. ==''

Even through today stayed at home whole day. It was still fun. Reason not gonna tell. New nickname [ Frozenstar ]. XD

Excited about tomorrow. Shy shy. Damn! Woohooo! =]

Found out I have changed to a open-minded person. Lol!

Saturday, August 29, 2009


Have no one to talk to when I need someone. Lol. Funny mind thinking funny stuff. Friday was a marked day (even though I didn't marked it). And Saturday went to watch coach play bball then play bball with Dan and Ern. Kena blister, cut away. And now officially can't walk for left leg. Hopefully by Monday can recover.



Thursday, August 27, 2009


Today school was fun. Only had to use my brain in physic and maths lesson. Only lesson that I have for the day. PE was okay... Nothing much. =D

Rest of the day physically and mentally slacking in class. Played o2jam for 2 hours in Dnt lesson! Finger pain. Hahahah... Xd

After school, receive news that mock exam is postpone to tomorrow. Then teach ALSP science (physic chemistry). Wasn't as difficult as I thought it was. =o

Coach saw! Oh my... Am very sure he is thinking something with that weird looking eyes. Damn! =x

Anyway then Bball training, Esso (cheers) and went home for dinner. Doing english essay damn! Tomorrow friday... =P



Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Some things won't go as you wish.
Some things won't go as you plan.
Some things won't go as you want.
Wad mine will be mine.
Wad unexpected will be unexpected.
Wad not will never be mine.

This is how the world works for everyone.
Cruel and pitiful... ...


Monday, August 24, 2009


Happy things that happened during sat and sun... ...

Mmm... Sat went to Japanese school for summer festival. Was fun even I am very tired. Sorry if you guys think I crazy that night. But I know what I am doing and saying ya. XD

And ermm... Sun went out steamboat for dinner. Listen to them talk and I keep eating. Couldn't blend in too well with them so ya. That it. =D

Not really happy stuff to mention though. =]

Saturday, August 22, 2009


Hmm. The P might strip off my CCAs record just because on Thursday my class got attendance of around 50%. Datas were collected from teachers for EVERY STUDENTS and appear that I have very bad records. Please don't anyhow do things is what I trying to say here. People! The school record everything that happen. Including parents letter, medical certificate all the way to going overseas without telling teachers...

Happy things that happened on Friday was nothing much to mention...

Mm. "Bball for a while then went parkway eat and reach home at 12"...

Wonder what is happening around when I was missing in action...

Nothing much changes had occur from my point of views...
Feel sad that how people can cheat or lie to gain something they want...
Maybe it the truth they are saying..
Hopefully I thinking too much...

Tomorrow gonna be another long day for me...

Happy waiting for my happy post bloggy ya... =D


Thursday, August 20, 2009


The path in front of me will be difficult to walk...
There is much more obstacle ahead of me...
There are things that don't go the way I wanted it to...
The evil darkness solitude in myself is appearing already...

The world is full of shitty people. ==lll

Feeling very Down. Down. Down. For unknown reasons. =]
Maybe I am just Tired.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Posted because I don't wanna die. >_<
Today received my O level Chinese result.
And it's a B4! Wow! Whole class didn't expect me to get a B4.
Cause I always sleep in class and never listen to teacher bla bla bla.
Wanna thanks Alsp for encouraging me to do Chinese work. Thanks! =]

Monday, August 17, 2009


Haha. I will re-begin my blog by writing out this name as big as possible. A-licia LSP! <----- (largest font). The girl who brighten my day. Or something like that. =D

Hmmm said didn't wanna blog le. But still blog because of someone. I shall try and make this blog come back alive. Will update when got happy things to post about. XD

Let's see happy thing for today is of course talking to you. May be short but it makes me happy. Anyway was fun so ya. A happy person will always make me happy. =D

Good luck for all the Secondary 3 people. Want you all to pass the common test! Jyjy! I being through worst result than you guys for sure. Don't give up!

Tomorrow O-level English oral examination. Hopefully I can pass it without effort. Being practicing ever since I was born ya. Lol! Nevertheless some luck wouldn't hurt right? =]



Sunday, August 9, 2009


This is the number 100 post. And I have decided to stop blogging. But then this blog will still be here. All things that start will end someday. Even through I have no idea what the hell happen. I got to stop and smile. I guess I really lost the pace of yours. I can't catch up with it. Even through I really miss the past. I know it has already past and become history. Remember the last time I was happy it was when I went out with you. Thinking back I was a fool. Somehow I hope I could continue this blog and make it all the way to 1000 post. But it may be impossible after all. I sort of regretted after looking through my sms and msn history. Sorry for my past mistake. Really feel like punching myself. Wondering what will happen if I chose and walked another path instead... Weird...... Suddenly thought of coach say (y do u wan pple to noe? u wan them pity u?). Guess that it make sense huh...




Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Damn! Even if I am sad, I can't express it. I can't feel any other emotions except for sorrow. It hard to smile everyday without any reason. Damn! I gonna explode if this continues. I can't take in any oxygen...


Some things are better not said. =D

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Well first of all Happy birthday to Mr Hiu Guo Rong.

Ermmm today was sucky. My hair got caught because it was long and coloured. Damn! No complains through, I brought it to myself. One's action is brought in by no others but himself.

Basically, I slacked one whole day in school hall. Played iphone and chit-chat with my friends. Was fun through, and to add on, I had a one hour recess so not too bad.

After school, had a mock math prelim paper 1. It was super easy. Had confidence in scoring over 75 marks even through never study at all. Shall see then. Hahaha...

Then when I go to the canteen, the whole bball team was there. Damn! I actually managed to catch up with the celebration. Even through they were already playing with all the cake stuff already. It was still fun.

Had oral with Miss Lim (Npcc teacher) and then went to bball court. Went home after and dye my hair to black and cut it too.

Day by day.

Monday, August 3, 2009


Looking forward to everyday. Having fun in school watching different emotions flying around. Damn interesting. Guess this will be the reason for me to go to school everyday. But there are others reasons as well. Gonna keep smiling no matter what happen. =D


Water inside the bottle can be open.
Water inside the bottle can explode.
Water inside the bottle can leak.
Water inside the bottle can be kept.
Water inside the bottle can be drank.
Water inside the bottle can be emptied.
Water inside the bottle can sublime.
Water inside the bottle can turn to ice.
Water inside the bottle can turn bad.
Water inside the bottle can hide stuff.
Water inside the bottle can not be water.
Water inside the bottle can be evaporated.
Water inside the bottle can be refill.


Sunday, August 2, 2009


Weird day I had today (I mean ytd). Kinda uneasy.

Morning went to lesson (Ss, Chem and Maths) till afternoon.

Went home after, change and met up with Shazada Johnny Dan Xiang and Ern.

Proceeded to Somerset to buy ankle weights. Then met with Heni Danah and Guanan at Bugis.

Ate Ajisen ramen and went to donuts shop eat again. Slack till we decided to go home.

Sent Heni back home with Danah and Guanan. Then back to my own home.

weird people weird thinking weird idea weird religion weird too fucking weird.

Saturday, August 1, 2009


Today school was fine. I guess. Morning can't wake up on my four alarm clock again. Thanks for morning call if not who knows what time I will wake up. Haha. Getting more and more tired each day. Can't find any reasons to go to school. Damn.

Finally submitted my Design and Technology. Went to played bball in the afternoon. Leg muscle a lot better le. But weird thing is both my legs burning for one whole day. It like when something touches it (even my pants), it feels like a needle is poking through my leg. Was painful very.

After bball, Guanan plan was canceled again? Don't know what the fuck is going on. Anyway I went to ECP with Shaun, Kuang Chong (Dunno how spell ps) and Kai Yiu. Ate then slack then ate again. Slacking was fun, looking at the moon, the stars, the sea, the air. Mind went empty again. Was a good feeling.

Then went home and spend my time on computer again.

How the fuck did I survive all these moodless days? Things have changed. Everything changed. Have no idea what the fuck is going on now. Damn! ,,!,,

Thursday, July 30, 2009


School was fine today. Completely forgotten what I have done in school. Except for afternoon part. Was fun, funny, fuck, fucked, fucked-up. =D

Then injured myself during bball training. Worst one ever since I was born. Both leg basically goner. Too fucking weak. Have to grow stronger and stronger and stronger. =D

But probably by tomorrow my leg gonna recover. So something to look forward to huh. =D

I dunno what to reply back. I am happy? I am sad? I am hurt? Who knows? You probably don't give a shit anyway. =D

Arghhh fuck lah. Thanks to myself I screw everything and everything up in my secondary 4. What the fuck is wrong with me. Fuck it man. Damn everything. =D

=D=D=D=D=D=D=D=D=D=D=D=D=D=D=D=D=D=D=D=D=D=D =D

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Morning couldn't wake up for school. End up woke up at 645pm. Thanks ya. But still reach late. Haha. Wanting to sleep early. But computer always stay as the reason for my failure. Lesson was no good. Slept during chemistry. How can I ever improve damn fuck.

Afternoon went to do dnt then go play bball. Left presentation board. Friday the submission date for Dnt. Final 2 days and I cannot control myself. Stupid fuck someone pin me down with nails please.

Night went back home draw draw. Let time fly pass me without me knowing. O levels in 13 weeks I guess. Not very long for me to catch up and I still not revising. Please cage me someone. Haha shitty fuck. Tomorrow gonna go bball training.

And happy birthday Guan Nan. End of your childish act huh. Time for some serious new drugs. Old one not effective already. Hehe. =D Stay happy not Eom ya. Have fun tomorrow. Gonna come find you also.

Someone save this Loner.


Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Today morning was okay. School was boring as usual. Sms-ed someone to keep myself awake. Thankfully it work and I was awake for the whole day. But the untold punishment is that my fingers is very pain and tired. Don't feel like sms-ing anymore. But depend bah. =D

Afternoon went to play 15 mins of basketball. Enjoy it even through the time spent was short. Please don't curse people. Later my o level really fail I go join gang find you. But don't worry. I won't disappoint anyone. I will work hard, it just three more months. =D

Saying that, I gonna stop basketball training on Tuesday and Thursday. Meaning two more day for me to slack or work hard. And Friday gonna keep it free to go out. I guess, if things continue this way. And Saturday I will still go for CB training. Unless it crash with my extra lesson in schools. Let's see, study applied first, I think. =D

Tonight had mine first tuition ever since Secondary 2. Principle of Account, and the lesson was overall rated fun by me. =D


And, Chai Chee Secondary School gonna close down on 2011. Lots of things will be gone. But I will always remember all the things that happened. Even if I forgot them, it will be deep inside my heart. Gonna think positively huh... Smile =D

Sunday, July 26, 2009


Morning wake up. Slight fever, not enough sleep. =D

Lol! Skip lesson in school. Hope I can catch up with the class. =D

Afternoon went to bball training. Not as tough as I think it will be. Was fun through. =D

Heni & Danah then came. Wanted to cycle at first. But change of plan. =D

Heni try harder, you will success one day in bringing people to cycle. =D

Went home then met with them again. Ate baked rice and ice cream. =D

Happy birthday Jonathan. Had a fun day overall. =D

And Jack and Zack not gaying at the rocks. Never touch him at all. You all dirty minded. =D

Feel that I done something terribly horribly wrong. But then again, it may be good huh. =D

Dannish and Reagan were there as well. For the birthday. =='' What the... (added on the 27 July)

Saturday, July 25, 2009


First of all, happy birthday to Jonathan Ang. Hope your wishes will be able to come true. =D

Mornin school was normal. Slept during lessons same old stuff. Failed all my prelim. Lol. Gonna hire a tuition teacher to help me. 1 week 2 times. 1 hour 30 min per lesson. =D

Hopefully I can catch up with the pace of O level. Let's see 3 months more to O level wow. Can't say I am stress. Just want to score and go poly ya. Gonna minus time for balling. Gonna add time for revising. =D

After school today, went to play bball. No mood. No fire. No will. Fucked-up feeling. How can i change 180 degree just by seeing you? Weird weird weird. Balling without mood is so sian. =D

Then bus-ed home bath change and leave the house for parkway. The bus trip was interesting. Met Dan and Fat on the way. Went parkway makan then buy bubbletea. Wow Honeydew + Apple Milk Tea is sweeee man. Try it sometime anyone. =D

Met with Ern Eugene Kai Heni and Zack. Crapped the whole time we walk to ECP. Tired but still keep moving. Reach Jonathan place then we rest. I helped in bbq for the few people up there. Be grateful. =D

After went to the coast. Lie at the rocks staring into the sky. Mind went blank. Listening to the water splashing against the shore. Listened to "Suit the mood song" & "Down". Wow good way to relax. Until people come ka jiao. Haha. Thanks for the ka jiao-ing if not I will emo man. =D

Went to parkway later. Ate snow ice at the same old place. Was very weird also. Then around 1015? Gather people to send Heni back. Heni managed to reach home before her older sister did. Dun worry lah, next time also can come out wad. =D

Go home after, reach home early man. Overall was fun bah. With so many weird funny people around me. =D

The answer is No! If you remember. And don't mention her name anymore. Thanks.

Thursday, July 23, 2009


Some random pops Ern said. Choosing the lyric I want from songs. =D

Every single night before i go to sleep,

Being without you girl, I was all messed up, up, up, up.

I find it hard to tell you, I find it hard to take.

Can't sleep through the pain.

I'm listening to the song we used to sing.

Cause every time I get stuck, the word won't fit.

Looking so innocent, I might believe you if I didn't know

I won't give up till it's over.

Stopping here cause no mood. =D

Resume back.

Baby are you down down down down down,
Dowwwnnnnn, Dowwnnnnn,
Baby are you down down down down down,
Downnnnn, Downnnnnn,
Even if the sky is falling down.


Don't want talk don't talk lah. Still need black and White arh. =D
Don't want talk. Fine. I won't regret. =D

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Smiling every second. =D
Best treatment ever. =D

Sunday, July 19, 2009


Very First. Created by watashi. =D

The very first time when I heard you was through basketball.
The very first conversation I had with you was in the canteen.
The very first approach I made with you was through facebook.
The very first time I give comment on facebook was to you.
The very first time I get serious and think and chat was you.
The very first time I talk to you about was about your full name.
The very first game approach I have with you was through audition.
The very first time my prepaid card was used up was because of you.
The very first time my blog was being made to was you.
The very first time my blog got hacked was because of you.
The very first time my blog got screwed up was also because of you.
The very first time I went out with someone alone was with you.
The very first place I went with you was to the national library.
The very first time when I send you home I had the biggest fun.
The very first quarrel I had in my life was because of you.
The very first time I feel like I cry was also because of you.
The very first time I know that words mean a lot to me was you.
The very first time I learn that wrong use of words could kill was you.
The very first time where I drank milk till I want vomit was of you.
The very first I fill the room with sadness was because of you.
The very first time I feel happiness was also because of you.
The very first time I smile to myself was because of you.
The very first sorry gift I gave I seriously think a lot for you.
The very first birthday gift I gave was whole lot more serious.
The very first time my gift was stab by people was also you.
The very first time that I had change so much about myself was you.

Okay too long winded. Got lot more but I dun think anyone will read. =D




Morning wake up 7 plus. Found out got bit fever then went back sleep. Didn't go for CB training. Damn! =D

Afternoon my brother wake me up to have brunch with him (should say lunch). Anyway eat eat then went to Simei buy ps3 game. Prototype and Burnout. =D

Then went home play ps3. Played prototype till night, have dinner then change game to burnout. After used computer and chat. =D

Time fly when I chat with you. Someone please stop the freaking time. Thanks. =D


Something wrote by me me and me. Nothing to do so ya.

People who is sad, please cheer up.
People who is cheerful, please stay there.
People who is loved, good for you.
People who love something, don't ever give up.
People who got hated, just ignore it.
People who hate something, just ignore it.
People who got abandon, start moving.
People who is weak, go get strong.

People who need help, go and get help.

People who is negative, think positively.

People who is positive, try helping others.

I hate DSKE. =D
Well of course I do. =D


And some more random stuff coming. ==''

012893 die hungry father alcohol evade or
empty have underground pray tall clothes.
070492 go die alcohol hungry or
empty wipe empty die tall underground.
120693 die hungry escape alcohol evade or
have underground empty luck tall clothes.

Don't ask why. I also dunno why. =D
I am not very bright in making random stuff out. =D
Ps only remember 3 bday. Rest never go remember sorry. =P



Friday, July 17, 2009


Happy birthday to my full time fornicator An Peng Siew. Few more years to fornicate. Gogo. =D

Today morning finish poa prelim. Sucks man, guess that i can pass. =P

Afternoon went to eat baked rice then played bball with a bunch of people. Lazy remember & mention. =X

Night went to Tamp ate baked rice at Swensen. Then watch harry potter with my brother. Was okay. Not exciting enough for me so ya. Lots of humor & kissing scene. ==''

Then me and my brother went to Bedok KFC have supper. Suddenly memory pour into my brain. Sadness fill the whole place. T_T

Things like Chinese homework, Papers, English book, Extra large pepsi, Cheese Fries, Ice Milo, Bubbletea, Strawberry, Honeydew and etc etc. Wa whole full day de memory. =(

Wonder how can i feel sad just by talking to you. Weird indeed. I miss you lot but I can't say. =x

Miss the days. Had so much fun. Shall end here.

Thursday, July 16, 2009


Lazy post so i edited from Ern's one. Sorry for the copyright. =E

i guess i am moving.
i know i am still here at a straight roads.
i have many little paths to take.
i choose the nearer one.
i guess i know i did it.
i am not moving.
i dun know.
you have confuse me.
am not doing anything now.
dun know why i find myself thinking.
how could you look so puzzle.
and so empty at the same time?
some kind of image in your eyes,
i guess Ern look like a jerk now.
but you are not as confused as me.
I guess I am confused afterall.



Wednesday, July 15, 2009


This few days is very weird. Keep thinking weird stuff. Wake up morning, thought to myself.

Why do I even go to school? And because of this sentence I was late for the whole week.

Prelim was okay. Hopefully I can pass all. 4EB total people 20. But only 11 pass social study.

Anyway play bball kena a lot fucking stuff. Getting rid of the emptiness by balling.

So people can get angry anytime they want. But I can't lah. Arhaha screw all this.

July 9 July 9 July 9 July 9 July 9 July 9 July 9 July 9 July 9 July 9 July 9 July 9 July 9

Gonna endure endure and endure all this shitty shit stuff. ENDURE ENDURE ENDURE!

Tough Time Don't Last, Tough Man Do.

Monday, July 13, 2009


Today bball kena throat by Ern, scratch by Joe. Now throat pain. Stupid fuck. Nvm...

And is Reagan and Isabella birthday. Went Reagan house. Fuck dunwan post already. No mood. Not because throat pain. Other things. Fuck this man.

Got to find back myself. Somehow. Got to find back myself. Somehow. Got to find back myself. Somehow. Got to find back myself. Somehow. Got to find back myself. Somehow. Got to find back myself. Somehow.

Sunday, July 12, 2009


Early morning wake up at 10 plus. Force by my brother to eat so went to market eat. Zzz... Anyway 6 hours of sleep is hell to me. Gonna try sleep early.

Afternoon went to Marine Parade Library to "study" Geography. Dan, Ern, Xiao Ying, Yao Ying and Me. Studying is to flip books so guess I spent 30 mins to finish the whole textbook. Fang Shen the two Ying and zhao to Parkway...

After that, went to Parkway eat mac. Then Ern, Dan and me bought stuff for [Fat Forward Reagan # 7]. Hahaha. Haizz... Freaking no money le. I gonna chase after my money in school this week!!!... Asked people out to eat dinner but kena rejected. Haizzz... Nevermind.

Then went to Dan house court there played Bball. It was fun when it comes to bball. Haha study day become playing day. Swee... Anyway Ern left first as he got family dinner. Played till 9 o clock then go back home.

End up didn't eat dinner for today. ==''

At night, checked facebook and blog. Listen to Heni's music blog whole night. Quite nice, at least better than English songs. =D

Tomorrow Geography and Math Paper 2. Hopefully I can make Heni show me the Lan Jiao face. The kind of face that "dun believe never study also can pass" de face. Looking forward to it. Hahaha... =P

Weird... I am not sad or angry or anything. In fact, I am happy for now. No idea why. =)


Summary of what I done for the day.

Morning - Afternoon
Ate prata at Sim Pang Bedok. Played bball with Dan Reagan and B players.

Afternoon - Late Afternoon
Went toilet clean up. Went to library.

Late Afternoon - Late Afternoon
Went to parkway. Bought bubbletea.

Late Afternoon - Night
Went to eat dinner with my family.

Night - Late Night
Went to Tampines meet Heni Ern Danah Guan Nan Jonathan, bought earpiece.

Late Night - Late Midnight
Send Heni back. Chat with Heni.

Late Midnight - Sleep
Msn with Heni. (cold war) Korean songs. Lol!

Thanks Heni for saying I no life. ==''

Thanks for asking that question. =P
Thanks for fucking waking me up. Haha.
Thanks for replying my sms and msn. =D
And keep updating your goddamn blogs lah. -.-


Thursday, July 9, 2009


Today took my English prelim. Not too bad I guess. Paper 1 was okay... Compo swee but letter game over. Dun care so much bah. =D

Then went to recess, around 1 hour. Freaking long. So went to play bball. Saw someone sitting at the bench. Looks like she want play bball but too bad for her, it all boys on the court. So after, zhao back to classroom. Almost reach late. Knn. Sweating like hell also. Dun care so much bah. =P

During English Paper 2 I fell asleep during last 10 mins and drop my pen to the floor. Whole class look at me. =='' Ps... zzz... Paper 2 was hard. Question 1 mark but my answer 4 sentence. A bit retarded but it is over so. Dun care so much bah. =D

Then went to play bball, saw something I shouldn't have see but nvm. Looking at the stairs fucking make me feel like playing bball seriously. No mood all of a sudden. Should say fucking high all of a sudden. Running up and down the court. Going siao. Lol! Looking at it make me fucking speechless. Wanted to punch faces but then again. Anyway kana scratch by Ern, look like this will stay with me for quite a time. Dun care so much bah. =P

Went to bubbletea shop. Saw Jonny boi when I was about to leave the school gate. He gave me the smile which is happy? Kinda expected where he went to and who he went with if he come back to school from that direction. You know, He know and I know. Xin Li You Shu. Dun care so much bah. =D

Then at bubbletea, talked, crapped and ate stuff then went back home. Reach home online. Cant care so much. =P

Tomorrow have social study and math paper 1. Gonna stay fucking proud. Confident wins half the battle. So fuck man, I am fucking so gonna fucking fuck the fucking fuck class up for fucking good this few fucking days. Come u fucking prelim. Gonna care about this for now. =D

Sometime I wonder, not knowing what I am wondering. Weird. =P

Arhaha damn! Rushing homework just because of a book. Wow. The book is freaking lucky man. Arhaha... Jyjy. Gonna cheer for you. I could swear that I have never rush homework like hell just to read a book in my entire life. =D

Freaking impress!!! Remember "Tough time don't last, tough man/women do". Same goes to me, endure for 4 months and it will be over. =P

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Hmmm... Gonna write this post for as long as possible. Hopefully till I sleep. Tomorrow prelim and yet someone just blog about "fuck" for me to read. Thanks women. If my English fail, partly is your fault arh I tell you.

So today morning wake up, and remembered that I lost my precious earpiece during Ern's birthday. Left it at Marine Parade Community Centre bball court. Damn! Walked to school super boring. With no crazy music accompany me, it like a world without sounds. A simple twenty mins walk somehow became a thirty mins walk. The reason was simple, there was no fast beat to speed up my pace.

Somehow, I felt like the time is ticking thrice as slow. Every step I took was hell for me, didn't know how wide I should spread my legs, there were no songs to guide me to school. Anyway enough describing the route to school. It was bored enough to kill all the readers.

So when I reached school, I was basically late. It the same for everyday, but there was no late coming record this few days due to H1N1. So it is kinda good that I can just pretend to run in the school looking panic and worrying about being late. The people on watch just called me to hurry up and go class. Cool man.

During lessons, was extremely worried as I didn't bring my English file and I didn't do my Principle Of Accounts homework. But then again, it was for vain. For English lesson, all we did was to listen to Jemimah's presentation on teenagers and freedom. Was quite funny through, the presentation. Something about life is like a "Jack In A Box". And I remember something like "If you hold the bird too tight, it will die. If you loosen it, the bird will fly away".

I edited it when the teacher asked for our opinion. And I said this "I Dun Get Wad Freedom She Is Talking About. All I Can Understand Is About The Consequence Of No Freedom. Like The Bird Kena Crush When Hold Too Tight." To my surprise, the whole class laugh. Wow, I woke the whole class up. Proud of myself man. And another joker come saying this "If You Like Leave The Child Alone In The House, The Child Might Be Rotten". Fantastic man, he made the whole class laugh too. That infamous man is San Sok San anyway.

And during recess, I actually manage to "hold" myself back from walking to the bball court. Tons of people asked "Jack never play bball arh". I reply "Nope". Really have to stop playing basketball, have to chase after a Jet plane. And before I walked back to classroom, I saw Alicia, suddenly speechless... Sorry I dunno what got to me. Anyway, I hurried back to class as it was maths lesson. Luckily Mr.Tan mood for the day was okay, who knows what will happen when he is furious at us.

Then, when Chinese class finally arrived, I was very moody by then. Thinking why didn't I say something then. Damn! Wu Lau Shi then gave us listening comprehension practice. I was too frustrated at myself then, so I do what I always do. Sleep. End up, the teacher punish me by making me stand during Chinese lesson. Whatever she do, still the same. I not going to listen to the boring speaker in the radio.

Last lesson was Principle Of Accounts. It was not bad, all I remembered was that the entire lesson was about copying. I do not really care about Principle Of Accounts that much. As long as I know how to do, it is sufficient for me now.

After school, went to play basketball with Zack, Eugene, Reagan and Khoi. It was a bit of boring as I did not play seriously. I kind of changed tactic of playing basketball. Now I can identity who is the "tofu" that I can always "Jiea" as long as I want. It is easy enough if I read my opponent and react towards it.

And to my surprise, I went to do Design and Technology after sweating. I was worried about the deadline submission, Mr.Kei said it will be this Friday. But I know that we could continue to finish up what ever we can after the deadline. Not too much of a worry for me as I only left some work undone. Feel sad for my friends who were all rushing for their artifact. Wanted to shout to them that the portfolio contain more marks! But they will ignore it anyway.

Stayed until 6 plus before going home. When I reached home, went out immediately for dinner with my brother. Then went back home bath and online. Found out some unpleasant stuff. I can't really change anything. I am just a listening ear, or something like that. Feel free to throw any rubbish at me. Then do quiz and blog about today. Damn long!

Sorry for the ultra-long post. This is the first time I blogged about my whole day. Can't blame me. No one want to chat with me. So I only can talk to myself through blogging. It is crazy I know, but who cares? Haha...

Love or Hate it when u're not okay at all yet, still pretend to smile.
It doesn't really matter too much, does it not?
It is important to smile even if we are sad. =D


Quiz quiz quiz... =D

1. What is your full name?
* Jackson TNX

2. Do you like your name?
* Hmmm... okay bah.

3. How long have you like the person you currently like?
* Around 3 month. Close to 4 month. I think.

4. Have you kissed anyone before?
* My mom.

5. Did you cry today?
* I didn't. Arhaha. Lame.

6. What are you doing at 8am this morning?
* Listening to "if u are right handed, use left hand to take out the thermometer".

7. What are you doing an hour ago?
* Eating my dinner.

8. What you are currently doing?
* This quiz.

9. Who last texted you a message?
* Shazada.

10. Have you told anybody you love them today?
* Last night. =x

11. Are you missing anybody right now?
* Yup.

12. Any plans for tomorrow?
* English Prelim. Go home study SS.

13. What was the reason behind the last time you cried?
* Fuckin got caught by police. Arhaha.

14. Anybody you want to be with right now?
* Yep.

15. Have you kissed anybody whose name start with S?
* No idea. In my dream bah. ==''

16. Name somebody who make you smile today, who and how?
* Myself. Just laugh lah. --lll

17. Name somebody whose name start with Z.
* Zack TYS

18. Which close friends of yours stay nearby to you?
* Kai Yiu. Next blk.

19. Do you prefer to call or text?
* I love to call. But dun dare sometime.
* Text is better maybe.

20. Do you prefer today or yesterday?
* Neither.

21. Can you live a day without television and handphone?
* Why not. I dun watch television at all.
* Nothing important comes from my phone also.

22. Are you mad about anything right now?
* About not being a little more brave.

23. Do you ever think that relationship are worth it?
* Not really. See bah.

24. Who was the last person you visited in a hospital?
* My uncle.

25. Who was your second last and last hug from?
* No one. I have never hug anyone in my life. Not even my mom.
* Evaded some hugs from Danah and Heni.

26. What does your last message in your hp says?
*Its okay. =D

27. Define life?
* Playing life with my own rules.

28. Do you hate anybody?
* Not really. Hate is a strong word.

29. Who was the last person you called?
* Fat Reagan.

30. Who usually send you the most text in a month?
* Hmmm... The gal I sms the most?

31.Tag 10person to do this quiz.
*Peng Siew
*Kai Yiu

Mostly no blog, so no need do.



Tuesday, July 7, 2009


On the 6th of July is Ern's bday. Quite a long day... Lazy post also, so photos time. =x

Morning start...

Afternoon start...

Late Afternoon start...

Night start...

Out for the whole day. Money not enough. Arhaha... Wadever lah. Fun can already.


Quiz again. =D

1) Who was the last person you texted ?

- Alicia Ly.

2) Who was the first person texted you today ?
- Audigal Cherie.

3) Who was the last person you just met ?
- My mom.

4) Would you consider yourself spoiled ?
- Half half.

5) What time did you went to bed last night ?
- 1 Plus.

6) Have you ever had a best friend who is opposite sex ?
- Who don't?

7) Do you want someone dead ?
- Nope.

8) What are you thinking right now ?
- The bday gift.

9) Who was the last person you took picture with ?
- Ern Quak Xia.

10) Do you wish someone was with you right now ?
- Yes.

11) Who are you talking to right now ?
- Alicia Ly, not really.

12) What does the last message says ?
- "Later, I audi with friend"

13) Is someone in your mind ?
- Yes...

14) Who is complaining to you right now ?
- No one. Yet.

15) 10 people tagged to do quiz .
1. Heni
2. Hui Wen
3. Alicia
4. Peng Siew
5. Aron
6. Ern
7. Reagan
8. Eugune
9. Cherry
10. Xiao Ying

16) When was the last time you chatted with 3 ?
- Now.

17) What if 5 & 10 quarrel ?
- Aron might just one hit ko her.

18) Who is 1 having a relationship with ?
- Another chicken probably.

19) Is 9 fierce ?
- The eyes kill people man.

20) Is 3 & 4 studying in the same school ?
- Yup.

21) Who is 2 to you ?
- Hmm, friend.

22) How did you know 10 ?
- Through Eugune.

23) When did you last talk with 6 & 8 ?
- Today in school.

24) Are you close with 7 ?
- Fat. Yup.

25) How long have you known 1 ?
- Since last year the November maybe. Remember the first time I talk to her was when we were going to Jonathan Ang chalet. We wait for a fucking long bus. Stop wrong bus stop, thanks to her. Then we crapped a lot. Arhaha. Good old memory. =D

26) What if 5 & 7 fight ?
- Wa. Buy Popcorn eat. Got show watch. Next WWE game live. =D

27) How long have you since known 9 ?
- Hmmm... Since I took the bus with Ern and Zack. ==''

28) Say something about number 2 .
- Good luck for your Os.

29) Is 4 trustworthy ?
- 100%. I believe my brothers.

30) Who is 1 to you ?
- Favorite meat. Arhaha.

31) Do you argue with 7 every time ?
- Yep... Want to fuck him upside down.

32) How well do you know 5 ?
- Not too sure. He emo-ing in his blog so ya.

33) Do you know things about 1 ?
- Nickname Chicken or Hen. And noisy.

34) Is 2 & 9 classmates ?
- Are they? I dunno, STM ps.

35) What if 4 & 10 fight ?
- Another one hit ko match. Sian.



The Blog Master ^-^

Named as Jackson Toh Nan Xing
Remembered at December 06
Sixteen Years Old
Stucked at ChaiCheeSec


Hong and Flirt
Playing Online Games
You happy

Breaking promises
You upset


Music Playlist at MixPod.com

Talk crap here...

Animes watched/ing

07 Ghost
Air Gear
Asura Cryin'
Bleach Bus Gamer
Buso Renkin
Casshern Sins
Chaos Head
Chi's Sweet Home
Clannad After Story
D.gray man
Death Note
Detroit Metal City
Devil May Cry
Elfen Lied
Final Fantasy VII: The Last Order
Full Metal Alchemist
Hayate No Gotoku Season 1, 2
Hunter x Hunter
Jigoku Shoujo Mitsuganae
Katekyo Hitman Reborn
Kemeko deluxe
Lucky Star
Macademi Wasshoi
Mai Hime
Mai Otome
Nabari No Ou
Naruto Season 1, 2
One Piece
Phantom Requiem
Rave Master
School Days
Sengoku Basara
Shikabane Hime Aka
Shugo Chara
Soul Eater
The Tower of DRUAGA Season 1, 2
To Aru Majutsu no Index
Vampire Knight
Vampire Knight Guilty
Yozakura Quartet
Zero No Tsukaima Season 1, 2, 3
Zombie Loan


A-licia Ly Seav Phing ♥ ^-^


Designer : Jackson
Basecodes : Jackson
Helper :